Theme: Fantasy.
Title: Blooming woman.
Definition of fantasy: Fantasy is something that will not happen in the real world . Fantasy is about one's imagination or can be known as magic .
Description: This shows pictures of women bloowing . This woman looks happy with blooming flowers around her face . but the fact he had a million sadness that appear on the face , especially the eyes , eyes filled with sadness and hope . This woman was a stoic .
Themes: Beautiful.
Title: Blue eye.
Definiton of beautiful: Beauty is a pure, non-sexual thing. It comes from the right combination of personality, confidence, and (of course) physical attraction.
Description: It shows the beauty of a person. In many cultures blue eyes are considered more beautiful than other colors. It is generally considered a recessive trait, its persistance in European countries is attributed to blue-eyed people finding blue eyes more attractive than other colors.
Theme: Element.
Title: Water Dragon.
Description: Forming water dragon shows that the element of water is not so weak . The dragon symbolizes strength . The negative emotion is fear associated with water , while the positive emotion is calmness .
Theme: Nature.
Title: Beautiful Nature.
Definition of nature: Nature is the human environment existing independently of human activities . For example, hills, rivers and forests.
Theme: Cute.
Title: Cute Baby with Teddy Bear.
Description: Cute is attractive in a pretty or endearing way.
Theme: City.
Title: Looking Up.
Definition of city: City is a large and permanent human settlement.
Themes: Sad
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