Visual Communication

Visual Communication

Visual communication design (formerly graphic design) is a creative process that combines the visual arts and technology to communicate ideas. It begins with a message that, in the hands of a talented designer, is transformed into visual communication that transcends mere words and pictures. By controlling color, type, movement, symbols, and images, the visual communication designer creates and manages the production of visuals designed to inform, educate, persuade, and even entertain a specific audience.

Some example of visual communication :
- Animation
- Infographic 
- Graph
- Maps
- Photo
- Video
- Cartoon

5 Example of Website Design

1) (Graphic and Web Design)

Research based on Michik's wedsite:

1) Icon 
- About
• tell about the owner. For example: Michik is a graphic and wed design.

-  Work
• show her work so customer will know how did she design. For example: Her design on name card, website and so on.

- Skill
• software she been used to make all design.

- Freebies
• is a thing given free of charge.
• to attrack her supporter or customer.

- Get in Touch
• people can ask she anything about her design or may ask example of her work.

2) Logo Personal
• easy people to identified her website or work if she put as a water mark.
• she used her own name as a logo.

3) Colour
• to attrack people to visit her wedsite.
• easy to read
• she used colourful (yellow, orange, white, black) but more to orange.

4) Picture/ Illustration
• cartoon
• animation
• doodle

2)  (Designer and Coder)

Research based on Adham's website:

1) Icon
- About
• tell people about his self.
• he put some of his photo.

- Features
• his participant and award.

- Portfolio
• show his work on website so customer will know his design.

- Blog
• explain about graphic design and show some tutorial.

- Contact
• easy people to deal with him.
• for example: he put facebook, twitter, dribble and linkedin on his contact.

2) Logo Personal
• he create his own logo from his first alphabet of his name.
• simple but interesting.

3) Colour
• three basic colour on his website (black/ white)

4) Picture/ Illustration
• his photo.

3)  (Web Designer)

Research based on Mike's wedsite:

1) Icon
- Home
• there are games on home icon.
• he show his technology timeline, latest show, work protfolio, knowledge and skills.

- Portfolio
• image on interface, print and photochopped icon.

- Awards
• show his award he get on he designed.

- Contact
• easy people to contact with him.

2) Logo Personal
• he just put his name as a logo to make people to know him.

3) Colour
• he use black and white colour. More to white colour for background and black for task bar.
• white for his logo and icon.

4) Picture 
• he put a lamp in his header website.
• photo

5) Special about his website.
 3D website.

4)  (Graphic Designer)

Research based on Fizgraphic's website:

1) Icon
- Home
• new design update for his customer.

- Freebies
• give a free artwork for his follower.

- Tutorial
• Teach his follower or visitor step by step how to edit photo or whatener using Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator.

- Artworks
• collection design from his customer.
• customer feel confident to order the product.

- Order
• show type of service and quotation, size, quantity and so on.
• easy for customer to order.

- Services
• show customer what kind of design he make.

2) Logo Personal
• short form from his website name FizGraphic (FZ).

3) Colour
• very colourful.

4) Picture/ Illustration
• cartoon
• doodle

5)  (Photography)

Personal Portfolio Mindmap.




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